Why Are We Here?

This online exhibition is intended to inform you about the emerging proposals by Glencairn Properties for a Purpose Built Student Accommodation development at 14 Ashley Place. The purpose of this consultation is to update the community on the proposal and invite you to give feedback. We will take account of your feedback in finalising the scheme, which we will submit to the Council Summer 2024.

Who Are We?

Glencairn Properties are an agile and specialist team bringing together backgrounds in housebuilding and architecture within the living sectors.

We have a strong track record in delivering award winning residential projects with a strong focus on the living sectors and an impressive, and growing, purpose-built student accommodation (PBSA) pipeline.

By putting people, sustainability and design at the heart of everything we do, our projects create Living Spaces which meet the future demand of our cities and surrounding communities.

Established in 2011 by Daryl Teague, second generation property developer, Glencairn Properties started life as a forward-thinking residential housebuilder, delivering the full construction process in-house. Our use of innovative design and drive to regenerate the communities in which we build, has helped us stand out from our competitors.

Since 2020 Glencairn has focussed on the living sector market, delivering institutional scale projects in the PBSA and BTR sectors.

The Site

The application site is situated within the Bonnington area, towards the North of Edinburgh. The site is accessed via Newhaven Road.

The site was previously occupied by an office building and associated storage yard however, the office building has since

been demolished and the site is currently vacant.

The surrounding area features a mix of light industrial, office and residential buildings which range in size and type, from single storey warehouses to 4 storey traditional tenement flats and 4-8 storey residential flatted properties.

The site is identified in the Edinburgh Local Development Plan (LDP) as one of eight large areas for regeneration in the city. A set of development principles for the area was included in the Bonnington Development Brief, published by City of Edinburgh Council (CEC) in 2008. The LDP now supports the redevelopment of existing employment sites of less than one hectare for nonemployment uses (residential), subject to satisfying other LDP policies and CEC guidance.

City Plan 2030 is in the process of being reviewed by the Council pursuant of adoption, anticipated summer 2030. CP2030 allocates the site under ref: H45 for that would deliver "housing-led mixed use" development.

Planning History

The site has been subject to the granting of two previous planning applications, however neither of these have been constructed.

In October 2021 planning consent was granted or a residential flatted development (19/05092/FUL).

That planning consent accommodates 65 flats over 5 floors with 16 affordable units along with associated car parking and landscaped private courtyard.

The ‘L-shaped’ massing creates a private courtyard to the rear of the development and the top floor is set back from the building edge to improve the privacy to adjacent developments and reduce the impact of the building when viewed from street level.

Proposed Student Accommodation

A further planning application was submitted in December 2022, for PBSA development (ref: 22/06251/FUL) that included a return wing to create a U shaped development.

Whilst this application, and subsequent appeal were refused in April 2024, the reasons for dismissal at appeal were largely limited to the lack of provision of a disabled parking bay. We will aim to address this issue within the new proposals.

The Appeal Decision noted no concerns in regard to the:

  • Land use as PBSA

  • Mix of accommodation

  • Scale and Massing

  • Design

  • Landscaping

  • Cycle Parking

The site is located closer to university campuses than recently approved PBSA developments. The Transport & Accessibility diagram (right) demonstrates the amenities within the 20 minute neighbourhood, and the transport & travel times from the site to University Campus’.

An assessment of student population accompanied the 2022 planning application that found a low student population concentration of 10%. this assessment will be updated for the new proposals.

Additionally, the student guidance produced by City of Edinburgh Council states that student housing will generally be supported on sites which are less than 0.25ha developable area. The total developable area of the site is 0.23ha and is acceptable in this regard.

Therefore, we believe the site is well suited to purpose-built student accommodation and that design changes can easily overcome previous reasons for refusal.