A further planning application was submitted in December 2022, for PBSA development (ref: 22/06251/FUL) that included a return wing to create a U shaped development.
Whilst this application, and subsequent appeal were refused in April 2024, the reasons for dismissal at appeal were largely limited to the lack of provision of a disabled parking bay. We will aim to address this issue within the new proposals.
The Appeal Decision noted no concerns in regard to the:
Land use as PBSA
Mix of accommodation
Scale and Massing
Cycle Parking
The site is located closer to university campuses than recently approved PBSA developments. The Transport & Accessibility diagram (right) demonstrates the amenities within the 20 minute neighbourhood, and the transport & travel times from the site to University Campus’.
An assessment of student population accompanied the 2022 planning application that found a low student population concentration of 10%. this assessment will be updated for the new proposals.
Additionally, the student guidance produced by City of Edinburgh Council states that student housing will generally be supported on sites which are less than 0.25ha developable area. The total developable area of the site is 0.23ha and is acceptable in this regard.
Therefore, we believe the site is well suited to purpose-built student accommodation and that design changes can easily overcome previous reasons for refusal.