Frequently Asked Questions.

Why is student accommodation now proposed on this site that has planning permission for residential development?

It is now proposed to provide purpose-built student accommodation at the site. The site is well connected to nearby University and College facilities by public transport and active travel routes such as cycling. Previous application ref: 22/06251/FUL was dismissed at appeal, however in relation to the proposed use the Reported stated: “NPF4 policy 16 c) supports student accommodation where need is identified. In that context, the LDP is supportive of purpose-built student accommodation to protect other housing stocks and support higher education growth”. Previous applications have found a 10% student population capacity in the locality. Whilst this study will be updated for any forthcoming application, the level of concentration falls well below the 50% student population threshold set by City of Edinburgh Council.

Therefore, we believe the site is well suited to purpose-built student accommodation.

What are the key differences between the approved residential scheme and the proposal?

In terms of massing the proposed development is identical to the consented residential scheme on the two principal Ashley Place elevations. The upper floors will be set back from the edge so that daylighting to adjacent developments is not negatively impacted.

The main change is the addition of a new wing which turns the proposal from a ‘L-shape’ to a ‘U-shape’ building. However, this new wing is subservient to the main block, as it sits predominantly at 4 storeys. The Reporter for the previous appeal on the site concluded, “the design and layout would be in keeping with relevant placemaking aims across NPF4 policies 9, 13, and 14, and LDP policies Des 1, 2, 3, 4, 7, 8 and 11.”

With regards to materials of the development these will be very similar to the consented development.  

What has changed from the previous PBSA scheme?

The proposed development will seek to make amendments to accommodate the principal reasons for the dismissal of the previous application for PBSA, specifically the provision of a disabled parking space. In addition, the applicant is aware of requirements of the new City Plan 2030 for a 10% cap on studios within PBSA development. As such, the internal floor plans are also being reviewed.

What is the deadline for submitting my comments to the Applicant?

Comments from the first consultation should be received by Wednesday 12th June 2024. This can be done by filling out the forms at the face-to-face public consultation or on the website. Alternatively, you can email your comments to

What Happens Next?

A second consultation event is currently anticipated for the end of July 2024. This will take into account of responses received from the first event. Following the second event, we propose to submit a detailed planning application for the proposed development later in 2024. The applicant and the design team will take account of the comments made during this consultation stage as the proposals are developed before submission. Once the detailed application is submitted you will have the opportunity to make formal representations to the City of Edinburgh Council, as the planning authority.